Yancheng Canadian Solar energy storage products enter the market
Seetao 2023-06-29 14:33
  • Canadian Solar Dafeng Energy Storage Plant makes new contributions by applying industry-leading Energy storage
  • In 2022, Yancheng PV enterprises will have a revenue of 115 billion yuan, becoming the leading PV city in Jiangsu
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On the morning of June 28, 2023, the launch ceremony of the first batch of energy storage system products of Canadian Solar Dafeng Energy Storage Plant was successfully held, marking that the development of Yancheng's energy storage industry has entered a new stage.

Li Zhijun, secretary of the Dafeng District CPC Committee, Shi Genmei, chairman of the Dafeng District CPPCC, Fang Qiyong, member of the Standing Committee of the Dafeng District CPC Committee and deputy head of the Dafeng District, Zhu Junpeng, president of the Jiangsu Energy Storage Industry Association, Dr. Qu Xiaohua, chairman of Canadian Solar Solar Power Group Co., Ltd. and academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Ms. Zhang Hanbing, vice president and chief sustainable development officer of Canadian Solar Global Marketing Department, Mr. Zhang Guangchun, senior vice president of Canadian Solar and general manager of Energy Storage Technology, Leaders of relevant departments of Canadian Solar and representatives of some customers and suppliers attended the ceremony.

Dr. Qu Xiaohua, Chairman of Canadian Solar, said in his speech that, "The commissioning of Canadian Solar Dafeng Energy Storage Project is a milestone for Canadian Solar to implement Four-wheel drive and optical storage pioneer strategy. Energy storage is the second growth curve of Canadian Solar and an important revenue growth point in the future of the company. With the commissioning and production of this project, Yancheng will become the largest optical storage manufacturing base with the most complete supporting facilities in Canadian Solar's industrial chain. It is expected that by 2030, the global new installed capacity of photovoltaic and energy storage is expected to reach 1TW and 1T Wh, which is 4 times and 20 times the global annual installed capacity of the whole year last year, respectively. Photovoltaics and energy storage will enter the T era side by side, and the potential for accelerating the optical storage track is enormous. In order to consolidate and enhance Canadian Solar's leading position in optical storage, the company is also carrying out a new round of capacity layout planning. "

In 2017, Canadian Solar proposed to Yancheng Municipal Party Committee and Government to build a 100 billion photovoltaic industry within five years. In 2022, Yancheng's photovoltaic enterprises will have a revenue of 115 billion yuan, which will achieve the proposed goal on time and become the leading photovoltaic city in Jiangsu Province. Canadian Solar has led and accompanied the development of the photovoltaic industry in Yancheng. In the future, Canadian Solar will strengthen cooperation with all districts and counties in Yancheng City, continue to lead the development of the local optical storage industry, give play to the advantages of industrial agglomeration and photovoltaic application resources, and make new contributions to building a highland of clean energy industry in Jiangsu Province, and at the same time to reach a new level of 200 billion yuan of optical storage revenue in Yancheng City as soon as possible!

Canadian Solar Dafeng Energy Storage Plant settled down in the Long Triangle Integrated Industrial Development Base last June, applied the industry-leading Energy storage, used the large capacity, long-life, safe and reliable Iron(III) phosphate lithium battery cell, and designed it into a high energy density energy storage system product through integration and optimization. Editor/Xie Li


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