Wind power
Proposed centralized wind power base in Dechang County, Sichuan
Seetao 2023-07-27 09:20
  • The investment in energy storage manufacturing is about 3.52 billion yuan, with a land scale of about 400 acres
  • The centralized wind power development project is to construct a 2 million kilowatt wind power resource development project within the designated scope of Liangshan Prefecture, with a total investment of approximately 11 billion yuan
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On July 25, 2023, Qiu Jinhua, Chairman of the CPPCC Dechang County, presided over a discussion with Guo Boyuan, Deputy General Manager of Tianhao New Energy Co., Ltd., and his delegation on matters related to Liangshan Prefecture energy storage production base and centralized wind power project. Luo Wei, Director of the Management Committee of Sichuan Dechang Characteristic Industrial Park, attended.

The Tianhao New Energy Liangshan Prefecture Energy Storage Manufacturing Base Project and Centralized Wind Power Project have a total investment of approximately 3.52 billion yuan in energy storage manufacturing, a land area of approximately 400 acres, and a total of 200000 square meters of newly built factories, dormitories, and canteens; 16 production lines for energy storage converters; 5 production lines of Battery management system; 40 automated production lines for battery PACK; 10 integrated production lines for energy storage systems; Achieve an annual production capacity of 6GWh of energy storage system equipment. At the same time, according to market demand, priority will be given to expanding the production capacity of this project. The project plans to carry out the production, manufacturing, research and development testing of centralized energy storage systems and distributed energy storage systems; Power side and grid side energy storage power stations, load side industrial and commercial energy storage systems, integration of source network load storage, electric vehicle energy storage systems, and other markets. The Tianhao New Energy Centralized Wind Power Development Project is to construct a 2 million kilowatt wind power resource development project within the designated scope of Liangshan Prefecture, and to configure energy storage power stations according to local power grid requirements, with a total investment of approximately 11 billion yuan.

Chairman Qiu Jinhua pointed out that enterprises are welcome to invest in Dechang. The market prospects of this project are broad, and enterprises need to further refine the project plan. Both parties need to strengthen coordination, organize on-site inspections of the Hubei base project according to the investment promotion workflow, actively cooperate with the "1+N" policy to strive for resource allocation, and promote the signing and implementation of the project.

Tianhao's energy business focuses on the development, investment, M&A and operation of clean Energy development such as centralized and distributed wind power and photovoltaic, supplemented by emerging energy businesses such as hydrogen energy, energy storage and comprehensive energy, explores industrial funds, REITS and other industry finance integration and Financial innovation businesses, tries the integrated management model of new energy assets and promotes low-carbon solutions. Editor/Zhao E


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