One Belt, One Road! A new chapter in cooperation and development
Seetao 2023-10-12 17:36
  • The Belt and Road Initiative has become an important engine of global development over the past decade
  • The Belt and Road Initiative celebrates its tenth anniversary. From infrastructure construction to cultural exchanges, it has injected strong impetus into promoting global cooperation and development.
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The 10 years of the Belt and Road Initiative represent the end of a historic journey and the beginning of a new and more ambitious journey. These 10 years have been a decade of continuous deepening of global cooperation and development. More than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations have signed cooperation documents, forming an unprecedented international cooperation network. This network covers a variety of fields, ranging from infrastructure construction to people-to-people and cultural exchanges. These 10 years have been a decade of vigorous development for various cooperation projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. These projects are not only numerous in number, but also have huge investment scales. Investments of nearly one trillion US dollars have played an important role in promoting global economic growth, promoting employment, and improving people's living standards. These projects not only drive the development of the local economy, but also benefit people from all over the world. These 10 years have been a decade in which the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative has continued to expand. Every national landmark, every livelihood project, and every monument of cooperation are the imprints left by the Belt and Road Initiative in various places. This initiative has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become an important engine for global development.

The Belt and Road Initiative is a community with a shared future for mankind. The starting point and goal of this initiative are to promote global peace and development. In this process, every country, every organization, and every person is working hard towards this common goal. This is what makes the Belt and Road Initiative unique and attractive.

The 10 years of the Belt and Road Initiative have been a great journey. It has and will continue to promote global cooperation and development. This is a great journey in human history that will lead us to a brighter future. The road is never alone, and together we can go a long way. One Belt, One Road, and forge ahead! Editor/GaoLiMei


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