The 3rd Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum is about to open
Seetao 2023-10-13 17:44
  • This event showcases Beijing’s urban image and characteristics to the world
  • Through it, we can feel the unique charm and modern atmosphere exuded by the historical ancient capital of Beijing.
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The third Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum will be held in Beijing from October 17th to 18th. This is an important moment for the ancient capital Beijing to usher in the intersection of history and future. In order to show the city image and characteristics of Beijing to the world, "Beijing City - Beijing City Image Promotional Video" was officially released on October 12.

Through careful conception and production, this promotional video vividly displays the city image of Beijing. From the majestic Tiananmen Square to the bustling CBD, from the antique alleys to the modern science and technology parks, the promotional film shows Beijing's unique historical and cultural heritage, vibrant urban landscape and rapid urban development through multi-angle lens language.

At the same time, the promotional video also presents Beijing’s important position and contribution in the Belt and Road Initiative. By participating in the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum, Beijing will continue to be committed to promoting globalization, expanding opening up, and conducting in-depth cooperation with more countries and regions in various fields such as economy, science and technology, and culture.

This promotional video is an important platform for Beijing to showcase its city image and characteristics to the world. It is also one of the important promotional contents of the 3rd Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum. Through this promotional video, people can more intuitively feel the charm and vitality of Beijing as a historical ancient capital and a modern city, and at the same time, they can better understand Beijing's important position and role in the Belt and Road Initiative.Editor/GaoLiMei 


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