1.96 billion! China Railway Electric won the bid for a major project
Seetao 2023-11-19 11:52
  • The winning of this project is an important milestone for both Zhangzhou City and China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd
  • The construction of this project will help promote the development of the manufacturing industry in Zhangzhou City
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The bidding results for the construction of Section 2 of the Northern Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park project in Zhangzhou City have been announced recently. The total amount of this project is as high as RMB 2107.53 million, covering multiple important engineering fields, including the main construction of the park's intelligent product production workshop, the construction of park roads, greenery, smart parking lots, civil air defense and other facilities, as well as indoor water, electricity, HVAC, fire protection, elevator engineering, building intelligence, and comprehensive wiring systems. In addition, outdoor engineering also includes equipment supply and installation projects such as lighting, intelligence, security, and factory road markings.

The winning bidder for this project is China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd., with a bidding price of 196.0229 million yuan. This quotation reflects China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd.'s serious commitment and high importance to the construction of Section 2 of the Zhangzhou North Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park project.

The construction of the Northern Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park project in Zhangzhou City is of great significance for promoting the economic development of Zhangzhou City. It will help promote the development of Zhangzhou's manufacturing industry and enhance its overall competitiveness. At the same time, the implementation of the project will provide a large number of employment opportunities, which will help improve the living standards of local residents. Keywords: engineering construction, engineering news, engineering construction information

China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd., as an experienced engineering and construction company, has profound technical accumulation and rich project management experience. They will provide important guarantees for the successful implementation of the Northern Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park project in Zhangzhou City with their professional knowledge and skills. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: Reproduction is not allowed without permission, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate the link between Jiandao and the original text when reprinting.) Jiandao Machinery Editor/Zhou Yingwen


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