China Harbour won the bid for Jamaica Housing Development Project
Seetao 2023-11-23 16:29
  • The successful bidding of this project has significant positive implications for China Harbour in the Jamaican market
  • The successful bidding of this project will earn them more recognition and reputation in the international housing market. Helps to gain more opportunities and recognition in the international market
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Recently, China Harbour successfully won the bid for the housing development project in the salt marsh area of Dundee City, Jamaica. This project is expected to construct approximately 700 single-story residential units, equipped with outdoor activity areas, equipment centers, clubs, security rooms, and green areas and other related community supporting facilities. China Harbour will provide design and construction services for this project.

According to the owner's development plan and supporting funds, the construction phase of this project will be divided into four stages, with each stage lasting approximately 18 months. China Harbour has implemented multiple successful housing projects in Jamaica, so they have borrowed the successful experience of these projects and provided design optimization solutions for owners. Keywords: overseas engineering, international engineering construction, foreign engineering construction news

The design optimization plan for China Harbour is based on the principles of being close to customers and prioritizing costs. This will not only help them further expand their brand influence in the Jamaican market, but also consolidate their advantageous position in the real estate industry chain. The successful bidding of this project is an important breakthrough for China Harbour in the Jamaican market, and will also earn them more recognition and reputation in the international housing market. (This article is from the official website of Jiandao: Reproduction is not allowed without permission, otherwise it will be punished. Please indicate the link between Jiandao and the original text when reprinting.) Jiandao Machinery Editor/Zhou Yingwen


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