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Longjian Shares signs the Namibia Special Economic Zone Construction Agreement
Seetao 2023-11-30 11:39
  • The signing of this contract marks a significant breakthrough in the field of construction engineering in Namibia
  • The implementation of this project will bring important economic opportunities and development space to Namibia
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Longjian Road and Bridge Co., Ltd. has signed an implementation contract with Grandview Investment Co., Ltd. in Namibia for the construction of the Whale Bay National Economic Zone in Namibia. According to the contract, Longjian Co., Ltd. will be responsible for all aspects of the project, including survey, design, and construction. The total contract price is tentatively set at 100 million US dollars.

The project has a huge scale and covers an area of about 3000 hectares. It is planned to build ten parks within the special zone. The construction period of the project is about 10 years and will cover the construction of all infrastructure, roads, standardized factories, office and living facilities, as well as ancillary buildings within the park.

According to the contract, Longjian Co., Ltd. will undertake all the work contents of the project, including survey, preliminary design, construction drawing design, and later on-site services. At the same time, they will also be responsible for the construction work of the project, as well as defect repair and warranty work during the warranty period of the project. Keywords: overseas engineering, international engineering construction, foreign engineering construction news

The signing of this contract marks a significant breakthrough for Longjian Group in the field of construction engineering in Namibia, and further expands its influence in the international market. We look forward to Longjian Corporation successfully completing this project and contributing to the economic development of Namibia. Mechanical column editor/Zhou Yingwen


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