Construction Frontline
China National Chemical won the bid for the Saudi chemical plant project
Seetao 2021-03-15 11:40
  • China National Chemical won the bid for the construction of Saudi Arabia's oil processing plant, boosting Saudi Arabia's oil production
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Recently, China National Chemical Corporation No. 3 successfully won the bid for the general contract for the construction of the western part of the AAP crude oil processing unit of the Saudi Arabian National Petroleum Company’s Berry Increasing Project, with a contract value of RMB 1.557 billion, ushering in a good start for overseas market operations in 2021.

Located on the island of Abu Ali, Saudi Arabia, the project is the transformation and expansion of the Abu Ali refinery in the Baili Oilfield, and the refinery's Arabian light crude oil processing capacity will be increased to 500,000 barrels per day. The project includes civil engineering, steel structure, pipelines, equipment, anti-corrosion, heat preservation, electrical instruments, etc. The contract period is 30 months.

It is reported that the project received a bid invitation from Party A at the beginning of 2019, and the bidding was organized in August 2019, and the bidding was delayed due to the impact of the epidemic. During the period, China Chemical No. 3 Company continued to communicate with Party A. After the last price quoted at the end of 2020, Party A received a notice of intent to award the bid. The notice of award was signed in January 2021, and Party A was formally received on March 8. Party award notice. The successful bid for this project has laid a solid foundation for China Chemical No. 3 to further consolidate and expand the Saudi market and help the "14th Five-Year Plan" start well.Editor/Xing Wentao


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