Get off the train to clean the sand on the railway
Seetao 2021-03-16 18:48
  • The railway line was buried in sand, and more than 100 people rushed out of the car with shovels!
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From the night of March 14, 2021, a large-scale severe sandstorm weather occurred within the management of China Railway Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd., visibility in some areas was less than 100 meters, and some sections of the Wuhai West to Jilantai Railway line suffered sand damage. The 130-kilometer Wu-Ji Railway is located on the edge of the Ulan Buh Desert. It is a freight line that undertakes the outbound task of chemical products such as salt and alkali in the Alxa League in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is mostly in the vast Gobi and deserts, which is attacked by wind and sand all year round.

Before the start of the gale and dust weather, the Wuhai Public Works Section took the initiative to strengthen communication with local meteorological departments to understand and master meteorological information, arrange for special personnel to add trains, real-time grasp of sand disaster information on the Wu-Ji line, and conduct on-foot inspections on sand-prone areas , And arrange large-scale machinery in advance, set up an emergency rescue team for sand removal, conduct trial operation and load all rescue equipment, and make preparations for sand removal and rescue at any time.

At 8 o'clock on March 15th, after receiving reports that many lines were buried by sandstorms due to sand damage, the Wuhai Public Works Section immediately activated the Grade III emergency response order of the severe weather emergency plan to organize personnel to remove the sand damage. Approximately 70 meters of steel rails were buried by 80 centimeters of sand in the severely sand-damaged area, which was difficult to remove manually. The Wuhai Public Works Section immediately dispatched large-scale machinery to participate in the sand removal work.

In order to ensure the safety of operations, in addition to wearing masks, sand cleaning personnel are also equipped with thickened face masks and winter clothes. Strictly implement the "one machine, one protection" system during the operation, arrange special personnel to protect rescue machinery and rail cars, set up protections at both ends of the rescue operation site, and report and grasp the dynamics of the operation vehicles in real time to ensure operational safety. A total of 127 people, 5 cars, 3 rail cars and 1 forklift were dispatched in this rescue. After nearly 7 hours of hard work, they have rushed through the line for about 8 kilometers and cleared about 4,000 cubic meters of sand. (For reprinting, please indicate see video column editor/Zhu Heyun


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