New Energy
Vestas settled in Tianjin and officially entered the 6MW era in China!
Seetao 2021-06-18 14:49
  • Vestas Generator Plant settled in Tianjin, marking a complete step into the 6MW era in China
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On June 18, 2021, Vestas' new generator plant was completed and opened in Tianjin TEDA Economic and Technological Development Zone. This move marked the official entry of Vestas' manufacturing layout in China into the 6MW era. The generator plant has an investment of about 200 million yuan, covers an area of more than 150,000 square meters, and has a production workshop covering an area of nearly 9,000 square meters. It is mainly used to generate power for Vestas' world-leading 6MW EnVentus™ wind turbine platform. Machine parts. The design capacity of the new generator plant is 1,500 units per year, and the output value in 2021 is expected to reach 800 million yuan, and it will directly create more than 120 jobs in the future.

Up to now, Vestas Tianjin Production Base (referred to as: Tianjin Base) has a total area of over 400,000 square meters, integrating the production and manufacturing of nacelles, blades, generators, and control systems. The cumulative investment has exceeded RMB 2.1 billion. STAS is the world's largest integrated production base for wind power equipment. Vestas partners in China, Vestas China management and employee representatives attended the event together.

Vestas Group Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Tommy Rahbek Nielsen participated in the event via video connection, and said in his speech: "The Chinese production base occupies a pivotal position in our global supply chain. New generators The completion and opening of the factory reflects our further commitment to the Chinese market. We believe that with its leading advantages in manufacturing, products, and services, Vestas will play a more important role in China’s carbon neutrality process."

Vestas Tianjin Base was established in 2005 and is Vestas' most important investment in the Chinese market. Since its establishment in 2009, the Tianjin base has been continuously accelerating the pace of localized production, and has always been committed to introducing leading wind energy equipment manufacturing technology into China, providing Chinese and international markets with wind turbine components that meet Vestas global quality standards. The Tianjin base currently consists of a blade plant, a generator plant, a controller plant and a nacelle assembly plant. It integrates almost all types of Vestas wind turbine manufacturing plants. It is the only such production base of Vestas in the world. . The completion of the new generator plant brings the number of generator plants in the Tianjin base to two. The first generator plant was established in 2006 and mainly produces generators for 2 MW and 4 MW wind turbine platforms. In order to meet the ever-changing market needs of global customers, Vestas decided to introduce the production of the 6MW EnVentus™ wind turbine platform into China in 2019, and a new generator plant was born from this. At present, generators from the Tianjin base account for 75% of Vestas' global generator supply. With the completion and commissioning of the new plant, Vestas' manufacturing layout in China and the world will be further strengthened.

Thomas Keller, Senior Vice President of Vestas Group and President of China Region, said: “2021 is the 35th year that Vestas has entered the Chinese market. As one of the earliest practitioners in China’s wind power industry, Vestas has always been adhering to the development strategy of'in China, for China', working with partners and suppliers to promote the development and improvement of localized production capacity in China’s wind power industry. In the context of the global epidemic, new generator plants The inauguration and opening of Vestas once again reflects Vestas’ firm confidence in rooting in China. We will take practical actions to contribute to the high-quality development of China’s renewable energy industry, and fully help China to achieve '2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutral' Ambitious goals." Editor/XuNing、Design/XiaChangwang


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