
Hydrogen energy

The Shaanxi Hydrogen Energy Innovation Center project was successfully signed


Hydrogen energy

Huaxitang Technology Group Industrial Base Project Starts Construction


Hydrogen energy

Indonesia will vigorously develop clean hydrogen projects


Hydrogen energy

TRW Group signed 160MW green hydrogen project with Spain's Arbro Group


Hydrogen energy

Perri Hydrogen Energy won the bid for the Songyuan Industrial Park project!


Hydrogen energy

China Electric Engineering and Huaguang Environmental Energy signed a contract


Mingyang Hydrogen signed the Xinjiang hydrogen production project
The move signals that the two companies will work together to promote the development and application of green hydrogen technology
1 million tons of methanol to olefins project won the bid
The total investment of the project reached 11.8 billion yuan, and it will produce high value-added chemical products
Hubei plan to build a green hydrogen project with an annual output of 1,500 tons
The project will help enhance Qianjiang City’s technological innovation capabilities in the field of hydrogen energy
Zhongneng Jian Hydrogen Energy Company signed the green alcohol project
The signing of the cooperation agreement between the two sides will realize the complementary advantages of local and enterprise
The world's largest! Xinjiang's 6 million tons per year methanol project starts
The launch of the project will promote regional economic cooperation and coordinated development in Xinjiang
ACWA Power and Petrochemical Guangzhou cooperate on hydrogen energy
By jointly developing hydrogen energy projects, the two sides will achieve mutual benefit and win-win results
Denmark Everfuel proposed 2GW electrolytic hydrogen production project
This project could be its first milestone project to export molecular hydrogen directly via pipeline to industrial customers in Germany
Construction of Beijing's first liquid hydrogen refueling station begins
The construction of the first liquid hydrogen refueling station will further improve the hydrogen energy infrastructure network
Yong An line solar water electrolysis hydrogen production system released
The release of this innovative achievement represents a major breakthrough in the development process of hydrogen energy in China
European Commission approves €1.4 billion for hydrogen energy projects
The IPCEI Hy2Move project was jointly prepared by Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Spain
Xinjiang Kuqa green hydrogen project explores commercialization path
The project has promoted the large-scale and commercial development of the hydrogen energy industry
Construction began on a 10,000 ton green hydrogen project in Xinjiang
The construction of the project will contribute to Xinjiang's goal of reaching carbon peak and carbon neutrality
Petrochina's first green hydrogen production project has made important progress
Through HAZOP and SIL grading, the project team conducted a comprehensive analysis of project safety risks
Zhejiang Jinhua Wucheng signed a number of hydrogen energy industry projects
The signing of the project will help promote the rapid development of the local hydrogen energy industry
CSSC Parui Hydrogen Energy:committed to hydrogen production equipment innovation
Paray Hydrogen has the top R & D and manufacturing capabilities to provide customers with a full range of solutions
Yangtze River Delta green logistics is moving into a new era of hydrogen power
The application of hydrogen energy promotes the development of green transportation in the Yangtze River Delta region
Liaoning Chaoyang County signed an alcohol hydrogen fuel project with Zhongmin
The implementation of the project will help promote the popularization of clean energy and promote sustainable development
The Green Future of the Bakardin Power Station in Australia
The decision to expand hydrogen facilities at the Bakardin power plant will lay a solid foundation for future sustainable development
Hedrisen Hydrogen Technology Industrial Park officially started
The construction of the project will strongly promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading
Yiwei Hydrogen Energy's first AEM hydrogen production system shipped to Hubei
The application of AEM hydrogen production system provides a strong guarantee for the development of China's hydrogen energy industry

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