
14:59 2024.07.25

Co construction of the the Belt and Road International Seminar on Industrial Development

On July 25, 2024, the International Seminar on Jointly Building the the Belt and Road Industrial Development was held in Linyi, Shandong Province on July 24. Senior diplomats in China from 14 countries, including Malaysia, Pakistan and Serbia, as well as representatives of several United Nations agencies in China, multinational companies, Chinese "going global" enterprises and other units attended the meeting, focusing on industrial cooperation along the the Belt and Road, and jointly exploring new ways to deepen industrial development and cooperation in the future. Wang Yijun, Deputy Director of the the Belt and Road Construction Promotion Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in terms of infrastructure construction, a large number of landmark projects, such as the China Laos Railway and the Ya'an Wanzhou High speed Railway, have been completed and put into operation in succession; In terms of industrial investment cooperation, China has signed bilateral investment agreements with more than 130 countries and regions, and more than 70 overseas industrial parks have been jointly built by Chinese enterprises and governments of co building countries; In terms of green and low-carbon development, Chinese enterprises have cooperated with more than 100 countries and regions on green energy projects; In terms of digital economy cooperation, China has signed memorandums of understanding on international cooperation in the digital economy with dozens of countries, accelerated the construction of digital transportation and spatial information corridors, and expanded new channels for economic and trade cooperation through "Silk Road e-commerce"; In terms of health cooperation, China has sent medical teams to multiple countries and invested in the construction of more than 30 overseas centers for traditional Chinese medicine. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

11:59 2024.07.18

China Europe freight trains ensure smooth international supply chain

On the morning of July 10, 2024, at 11:46 am, it marked the smooth departure of the X8017 train of the China Europe freight train (Wuhan to Duisburg) from Wujiashan Station. This moment also means that the total number of China Europe freight trains this year has exceeded 10000 trains 19 days ahead of schedule, and the cumulative amount of cargo containers transported has reached 1.083 million TEUs, a significant increase of 11% compared to 2023, demonstrating a strong development trend of both quantity and quality. The head of the Freight Department of China Railway Group Corporation Limited pointed out that China Railway Group is accelerating the construction of an efficient transportation network for the China Europe freight train, providing solid support for stabilizing the international industrial chain and supply chain security. This not only promotes the smooth economic cycle at home and abroad, but also greatly promotes the economic and social development of regions and countries along the line, adding new vitality and impetus to the high-quality the Belt and Road Initiative and the economic and trade exchanges between China and Europe. In terms of improving channel capacity, China Railway Group actively promotes the expansion and upgrading of domestic railway port stations, including Alashankou, and shipping stations such as Tianjin Xingang. At the same time, it accelerates the completion of key sections of the Binsui Railway from Suifenhe to the border line, significantly enhancing the transportation carrying capacity and port replacement efficiency of the China Europe freight train. In the first half of the year, the number of China Europe trains on the three main transport routes of the west line (via Alashankou and Khorgos), the middle line (via Erenhot) and the east line (via Manzhouli, Suifenhe and Tongjiang) increased by 13%, 20% and 5% respectively. In addition, in terms of optimizing transportation organization, railway departments in various regions closely focus on market demand and flexibly adjust the operation routes and schedules of China Europe freight trains. Currently, there are 91 fixed China Europe freight train lines with a designed speed of 120 kilometers per hour in China, covering 61 cities. By optimizing the workflow, strengthening equipment and personnel configuration, the China Europe freight train enjoys priority in transportation, loading, and hanging, and is monitored throughout the entire process to ensure safe, stable, and efficient operation. At the same time, major railway ports and stations closely cooperate with the China Europe freight train, work together with customs, border inspection and other departments, and actively promote the railway fast clearance mode by utilizing the advanced functions of the 95306 digital port system, greatly improving the overall clearance efficiency and convenience of the China Europe freight tra

11:05 2024.07.17

Entering the Smart Terminal of Shenzhen Western Port Area, Low Carbon and Efficient

Shenzhen Mawan Smart Port, as the first 5G green and low-carbon smart port in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, has completed its transformation from a traditional port to a smart port. Its intelligent transformation integrates 9 smart elements such as the CMB operating system, significantly enhancing the comprehensive service capabilities of the port, and achieving a breakthrough in the independent port system from "0" to "1", successfully applied to multiple ports at home and abroad. In the port, 5G base stations cover the entire territory, and autonomous driving trucks and remotely controlled shore bridge drivers work together, greatly improving operational efficiency and safety, reducing manpower and carbon emissions. China Merchants Port supports the construction of green ports through energy-saving, carbon reduction, and pollution reduction measures, such as providing shore power services and promoting new energy trailers. Among them, the new energy trailer swapping station in Chiwan Port has the largest scale in the country, effectively promoting low-carbon transportation. Shenzhen Port is actively exploring the circulation and sharing of regional elements, and the launch of the same ship transportation business for foreign trade container goods in Dachan Bay Port has improved the utilization rate of cargo space, reduced logistics costs, and further expanded the import and export routes of goods. China Merchants Port Group continues to explore and innovate, achieving significant growth in container and bulk cargo throughput last year, and taking its business scale to a new level. The overall performance of Shenzhen Port is strong, with continuous growth in import and export container throughput, especially in the western port area, demonstrating strong growth momentum. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

09:28 2024.07.17

China accelerates construction of new energy pipeline system

Western Pipeline Company is leading a new journey of energy transportation. Its multi-media pipeline safety transportation key laboratory established in Xinjiang is conducting pipeline transportation tests of cutting-edge energy materials such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, liquid ammonia and methanol in full swing, aiming to inject more green kinetic energy into the future energy market and provide customized methanol and coal-to-gas transportation solutions for partners such as Xinjiang Qiya New Materials and Xinjiang Tianye. With the in-depth implementation of the dual-carbon strategy, environmentally friendly energy projects such as hydrogen energy, green methanol, green ammonia and CCUS have attracted much attention. Enterprises have seized the opportunity and laid out emerging fields, which has given rise to an urgent need for new energy transportation services beyond traditional oil and gas pipelines. With its profound foundation and technological innovation in the field of energy transportation, Western Pipeline has not only consolidated the status of oil and gas pipelines as a national energy artery, with a total mileage of over 180,000 kilometers, but also actively explored diversified energy transportation modes, committed to becoming a leader in new energy pipeline services, and contributing to the green transformation of China's energy structure.Editor/Zhang Liyuan

16:45 2024.07.16

All coal-fired power low-carbonization projects will be started in 2025

The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the "Action Plan for the Construction of Low-carbon Coal-fired Power (2024-2027)", which aims to support qualified coal-fired power low-carbonization projects through ultra-long-term special government bonds and other funding channels, and clearly stated that by 2025, the first batch of projects will be started and low-carbon technologies will be applied to achieve a significant reduction in carbon emissions; by 2027, the technical route will be broadened, costs will be reduced, and carbon emissions will be halved again, approaching the level of natural gas power generation. At the same time, technical routes such as biomass blending, green ammonia blending, carbon capture, utilization and storage are proposed, and supporting funds, policies, power grid dispatching and technological innovation and other multi-faceted guarantee measures are provided to promote the clean and low-carbon transformation of the coal-fired power industry. Editor/Cheng Liting

14:58 2024.07.12

CICC Geological Plateau Exploration Project Officially Started

Recently, China National Gold Group Geology Co., Ltd. officially launched its key plateau exploration project, the metallogenic system research and prospecting prediction of the Tibet Jiama copper-gold mine cluster, and the geological exploration of the Bayi Pasture Copper Mine in Mozhugongka County, Tibet Autonomous Region, and officially entered the field implementation. stage. The project comprehensively uses advanced technologies such as geological mapping, altered mineral testing, geochemical surveying, and low-altitude aeromagnetic magnetism to accurately construct the geological structure and rock mass distribution framework of the work area, deeply analyze the morphology of deep ore bodies, and map detailed elements, Mineral and rock mass distribution maps scientifically summarize the geological conditions of mineralization and mineralization distribution rules, laying a solid foundation for the layout of subsequent exploration projects. Faced with the extreme environment of the Bayi Ranch mining area at an altitude of over 5,000 meters, the project team overcame numerous difficulties such as high temperatures, hypoxia, and poor transportation. They planned in advance and made careful preparations to ensure that materials and equipment were in place. They also used advanced means such as remote sensing to grasp the terrain information of the mining area in advance. , effectively ensuring the smooth development of field work. The company's senior management attaches great importance to this plateau exploration work. Executive Director and General Manager Yan Guolong went to the front line for investigation and guidance, encouraged the project team, proposed targeted solutions, and emphasized the importance of construction safety and green exploration. Huatailong Company responded positively and organized a special technical exchange meeting to further clarify the direction of follow-up work and jointly promote the efficient advancement of the project. Editor/Cheng Liting

11:13 2024.07.12

Beijing Fangshan Yunju Temple Historical and Cultural Exhibition held

On July 12, 2024, it was announced at a press conference held by the organizer that the "Chinese Cultural Miracle - Beijing Fangshan Yunju Temple Historical and Cultural Exhibition" will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from July 26 to August 10, 2024, and will be open to the local public for free. It is reported that Yunju Temple has a collection of over 30000 sets of cultural relics. This exhibition mainly selects representative and important cultural relics from the Stone Scripture Museum, including rare treasures such as stone, paper, and wood from different periods of the Sui, Tang, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and modern times, totaling 43 pieces. The exhibited stone sutras, wooden sutras, and paper sutras were all exhibited in Malaysia for the first time, and 17 original rubbings of Fangshan stone sutras were publicly displayed for the second time in the world. The exhibition is presented in the form of exhibition boards, physical objects, and on-site interactive areas. Yunju Temple is located in Fangshan District, southwest of Beijing, and houses 14278 ancient stone carved Tripitaka scriptures. The publication and engraving of the Fangshan Stone Sutra began during the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty, and later went through dynasties such as the Sui, Tang, Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Ming, building the world's largest and oldest stone carving library, creating a major cultural miracle in the history of Chinese civilization. This exhibition is jointly organized by Fuhui International Charity Foundation, China Western Culture and Arts Development Association, Kuala Lumpur Chinese Cultural Center, and Wisteria Group. The organizer stated that Yunju Temple has extremely important research value in history, art, and other aspects. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

12:02 2024.07.11

China Meets with Guinea Bissau President Ambalo

Li Qiang stated that China and Guinea Bissau are trustworthy good brothers and partners. China has always attached great importance to developing friendly and cooperative relations with Guinea Bissau. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the traditional friendship between the two sides has continued to flourish, and bilateral relations have developed steadily and smoothly, achieving fruitful cooperation results. China is willing to work together with Guinea Bissau to consolidate and deepen political mutual trust, continuously expand mutually beneficial cooperation, better achieve common development, and benefit the people of both countries in accordance with the direction guided by the two heads of state. Ambalo stated that Guinea Bissau and China are sincere friends who respect each other and share difficulties, and the relationship between the two countries has a special and solid foundation. The relationship with China is crucial for Guinea Bissau. Guinea Bissau sincerely appreciates China's valuable support for Guinea Bissau's economic and social development over the long term, and is willing to further strengthen practical cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade, and infrastructure construction with China, and continue to move forward side by side on the path of common development. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

15:19 2024.07.05

Settlement of Ecological Carbon Fixation System for Microalgae in Chinese Mines

Recently, the research demonstration and technological innovation project of biological carbon sequestration and collaborative soil architecture reshaping technology has completed infrastructure construction at the Baorixile open-pit coal mine in Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This project is China's first mining microalgae ecological carbon sequestration system. At present, the project has completed one low-carbon resource utilization laboratory for agricultural and animal husbandry solid waste, one 1600 square meter microalgae carbon fixation experimental greenhouse, three 50 ton runway pools, four ton level photo bioreactors, and the production of 200 tons of high humic nutrient soil. As the earliest biological species on Earth, microalgae generally have a carbon sequestration efficiency 10 to 50 times that of terrestrial plants, making it an important carbon reduction technology path. After the project is completed, its products can fully play multiple roles such as soil water conservation and fertilization, vegetation restoration, and soil and water conservation, providing valuable experience and demonstration for achieving carbon neutrality goals in high-altitude areas. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

16:00 2024.07.03

The maximum diameter of the 18 meter rotary bearing designed in China is offline

On July 3, 2024, a 3500 ton crane was produced in Xin'an, Luoyang, Henan Province using an 18 meter diameter split three row cylindrical roller slewing bearing. This slewing bearing is a breakthrough in both size and design manufacturing for the domestic bearing industry. The slewing mechanism of a crane is the core component that bears the lifting load and slewing function. Due to the constraints of the slewing support (turntable bearing), the slewing mechanism of heavy-duty cranes has always been a roller type slewing mechanism. For cranes with the same lifting capacity, the external dimensions of the slewing crane are reduced by about 20% compared to the roller crane, and the weight of the crane is reduced by about 25%. A 3500 ton slewing crane weighs 4600 tons, which can save about 1200 tons of materials and more than 3 million yuan in material costs. Rotary bearings have the characteristics of low friction torque, easy maintenance, easy replacement, and long service life. Replacing the rotary mechanism is the best choice. In the process of product design and manufacturing, we have overcome difficulties such as friction reduction design, unidirectional logarithmic curve modification and directional assembly of parallel rollers, precise control of intermediate frequency quenching of curved parts, and deformation during intermediate frequency quenching, resulting in 2 invention patents and 4 utility model patents. The production of this bearing marks a new breakthrough for Chinese enterprises in the field of rotary bearings for marine engineering equipment, and the overall technology has reached the international advanced level. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

09:06 2024.07.03

Shandong's new energy storage scale reaches 4696MW!

On June 30, 2024, Shandong Laizhou successfully achieved grid-connected power generation of the first phase of its large-scale photovoltaic storage integrated project on saline-alkali tidal flats, marking a milestone achievement in the development of new energy in Shandong Province. Its new energy installed capacity has historically jumped to a huge scale of more than 100 million kilowatts, thus taking the lead in breaking through this important threshold among the eastern coastal provinces in the country and becoming the first province with a new energy installed capacity of 100 million kilowatts. As of the end of May 2024, Shandong's photovoltaic power generation installed capacity was 62.42 million kilowatts, ranking first in the country, of which distributed power stations were the main type of power stations, biomass power generation installed capacity was 4.446 million kilowatts, ranking second in the country, and wind power installed capacity was 26.004 million kilowatts, ranking fifth in the country. In addition to new energy installed capacity such as photovoltaics, wind power, and biomass energy, Shandong's new energy storage capacity in operation has reached 4.696 million kilowatts, ranking first in the country, and wind and solar consumption has remained in a relatively stable state.Editor/Zhang Liyuan

11:37 2024.07.02

Chinese medical team goes to Cambodia for free clinics

On July 2nd, as they were about to leave office, the second batch of Chinese medical teams assisting Cambodia were invited to the Peace Building located in the capital Phnom Penh to hold a Chinese medicine health consultation for public officials in the Cambodian Prime Minister's Office. This event aims to use traditional Chinese medicine technology to bring health to the local people, promote the dissemination and exchange of traditional Chinese medicine culture, and further deepen the friendship between the people of China and Cambodia. Dr. Khentorasi, Executive Secretary of State of the Prime Minister's Office of Cambodia, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He warmly welcomed the free clinic and presented a thank-you letter to the medical team. This free clinic received more than 200 patients, distributed more than 600 pairs of free Chinese medicine granules, and implemented more than 120 Chinese medicine appropriate techniques such as acupuncture and moxibustion. After the event, the medical team members stated that although their term is coming to an end, the cooperation between China and Cambodia in the field of healthcare will not stop. With the joint efforts of both sides, traditional Chinese medicine in Cambodia will usher in broader development prospects. During their stay in Cambodia, the medical team carried out a series of effective work, including promoting the establishment of the China Cambodia Traditional Chinese Medicine Center and the establishment of the Lancang Mekong Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment and Cultural Promotion Center. They have been widely praised by the Cambodian royal family, local government, the public, Chinese and overseas Chinese, and other sectors of society for their excellent traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment services. On June 27, 2024, the Cambodian Ministry of Health awarded the Monisalabon Medal to the medical team. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

10:34 2024.07.01

Manufacturing production continues to expand, with new driving forces growing

The Purchasing Managers Index of China's manufacturing industry in June was 49.5%, unchanged from the previous month. From the sub index perspective, the production index is 50.6%, and industries such as metal products, railways, ships, aerospace equipment, etc. have maintained rapid growth in production. From the perspective of key industries, the procurement manager index for high-tech manufacturing is 52.3%, and the procurement manager index for equipment manufacturing is 51%, both of which have improved compared to the previous month. China's manufacturing industry continues to promote transformation and upgrading, and new driving forces continue to grow. In addition, the expected index of production and operation activities in industries such as agricultural and sideline food processing, metal products, railway, ship, aerospace equipment, and electrical machinery and equipment is all above 58% in the high prosperity range. Enterprises have strong confidence in the development of the industry. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

09:46 2024.07.01

By 2023, China's hydropower under construction will reach 30GW!

The "China Renewable Energy Development Report 2023" was released on June 28, 2024, revealing the strong momentum of China's renewable energy project construction, and it is expected that the scale of commissioning will remain high in 2024. In the field of conventional hydropower, the scale of construction in the country is close to 30 million kilowatts, and the construction of power stations such as Shuangjiangkou, Yebatan, and Maerdang is progressing steadily. The development of the Jinsha River, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Yalong River, and the Dadu River has approached saturation, and the cascade development pattern of the river basin has been initially established. Onshore wind power and centralized photovoltaic projects are developing in the direction of large bases. In particular, in 2023, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and other places launched a batch of large-scale Shagohuang base projects with a total installed capacity of nearly 20 million kilowatts.Editor/Zhang Liyuan

15:39 2024.06.28

Harbin Railway Summer Transport adds temporary passenger trains

The 2024 National Summer Games will kick off on July 1st and end on August 31st, with a total of 62 days. Harbin Bureau Group Company expects to send 20.1 million passengers, with a daily average of 323000, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%, and the passenger flow will continue to be in a peak state. The person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of Harbin Bureau Group Company introduced that this year's summer transportation mainly focuses on tourist vacation, recuperation and summer vacation, business exhibitions, visiting relatives and friends, and college students. The direct directions mainly include Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Xi'an, Chongqing, Beijing, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Dalian, Shenyang, Dandong and other traditional tourist cities. Harbin, Qiqihar, Mudanjiang, Jiamusi, Daqing, Hailar, Manzhouli, Mohe, Yichun and other popular summer destinations within the management will usher in peak passenger flow. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

15:43 2024.06.27

China has established the world's largest maritime security system

On June 26, 2024, China has established the world's largest maritime security system, achieving coverage of coastal ports and waterways with one map, and connecting the coastal water safety communication network. It is reported that the maritime security industry has made significant progress since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The number of coastal navigation marks has increased from 12200 in 2013 to 20600 in 2023, an increase of 68.8%, and all navigation marks have achieved Beidou based telemetry and remote control. The nautical chart service has evolved from mainly paper-based charts to electronic charts with full coverage and online publishing and real-time updating services. In 2023, a total of 4.92 million electronic nautical charts along the coast of China were issued. China has also built a coastal BeiDou ground enhancement system consisting of 23 BeiDou differential stations and 75 BeiDou continuous operation reference stations, providing centimeter level high-precision navigation and positioning services; Building a maritime safety communication network as a component of the global maritime distress and safety system, providing maritime distress and safety communication services; Actively promote the construction of 4G/5G and satellite communication applications, and continuously improve satellite broadband data communication capabilities. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

08:56 2024.06.27

Zhejiang Huzhou encourages the introduction of user-side energy storage policies

Recently, the Development and Reform Commission of Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, made a detailed reply to the proposal No. 133 put forward at the third session of the ninth session of the CPPCC. In response to the complex compliance process of the new energy storage industry mentioned in the proposal, the supporting policies of new energy storage are not perfect, and the shortcomings of energy science and technology in ensuring energy supply, Huzhou Development and Reform Commission said that it will take a series of active measures. Huzhou Development and Reform Commission promised to accelerate the promotion of energy storage projects on the grid side, constantly improve and optimize the energy storage scheduling strategy, and ensure the stable and efficient operation of the power grid. At the same time, new energy stations are encouraged to independently build energy storage facilities, and transform them into grid-side energy storage when technical conditions are available, so as to enhance the overall energy storage capacity of the grid.Editor/Zhang Liyuan

15:50 2024.06.26

The acceleration of Guangdong's new industrialization process

Since 2024, Guangdong has vigorously implemented measures such as promoting industry, strengthening services, and stabilizing the economy. The industrial economy in the province has been steadily improving, and the process of new industrialization has accelerated. It is reported that with the gradual manifestation of various measures to stabilize growth and the improvement of foreign trade, Guangdong's industry has maintained rapid growth. Data shows that from January to May, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Guangdong Province increased by 6.5% year-on-year, higher than the national average. The contribution rate of industry to the province's economic growth has further increased. The growth rate of added value in the industrial sector was 69.2%, and the computer, communication, and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries played a strong supporting role, with a year-on-year increase of 18.8%; Leading companies such as Huawei, BYD, Midea, and Gree have effectively consolidated and improved the resilience of their industrial and supply chains, achieving double-digit or nearly double-digit growth in industrial output. The Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province stated that it will take various measures to vigorously promote industrial equipment updates and technological upgrades, seize the lead in emerging and future industries, accelerate the construction of industrial safety bottom lines, enhance the new level of industrial park development, and fight the battle for stable growth, striving for good results in the first half of the year. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

16:27 2024.06.25

Special Seminar on the Advantages of China's New Political Party System

On June 25, 2024, the special seminar on the advantages of China's new political party system was recently held in Beijing. Jilin, Secretary of the Party Group and First Vice Dean of the Central Academy of Socialism, and Sun Jusheng, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Wang Nuan, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China, presided over the meeting. The conference released the book "Advantages of China's New Political Party System" published by Democracy and Construction Publishing House and donated the book to the Central Socialist Institute. Xu Shaogang, a member of the Party Group and Dean of Academic Affairs of the Central Socialist College, attended the meeting and accepted the gift book on behalf of the college. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

14:45 2024.06.21

China's railway construction momentum is strong

Since 2024, China's railway construction has shown a strong momentum, with a large number of major projects accelerating and new high-speed rail actions continuously taking place, further enhancing the overall functionality of the railway network. At the same time, the monthly transportation volume of China Europe freight trains has reached a new high, and the trend of "transit to rail" is good. The railway passenger and freight transportation capacity has been further enhanced, providing strong support for promoting the sustained recovery of the Chinese economy and ensuring the production and living of the people. On June 4th, the continuous beams of the Jintian Cross Pingwu Expressway in the fourth section of the Liuwu Railway project, undertaken by China Railway Shanghai Engineering Bureau, were closed 15 days in advance, opening up the T-beam erection channel for the cross Pingwu Expressway super large bridge, marking a breakthrough in project construction and laying a solid foundation for promoting subsequent construction. The person in charge of the Development and Reform Department of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. introduced that since 2024, China National Railway Group has fully leveraged the role of railway construction investment to promote high-quality construction of key railway projects, deeply implemented a number of networking, network supplementation, and strong chain projects, strengthened safety, quality, investment, and environmental control, and maintained a good trend in railway construction. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

17:07 2024.06.20

China has completed and put into operation new energy storage projects

On June 20th, the State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on promoting high-quality development. Li Chuangjun, Director of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Administration, introduced at the meeting that as of the end of May 2024, China has completed and put into operation new energy storage projects with an installed capacity of over 38 million kilowatts and an average energy storage time of 2.2 hours. There are 12 provinces and regions with installed capacity exceeding one million kilowatts. Li Chuangjun stated that new energy storage is an important component of the new power system and new energy system, and has become a key supporting technology for China's construction of the new power system and new energy system. Its development can drive the development of upstream and downstream industrial chains, promote technological innovation, talent cultivation, and investment employment, and become one of the new driving forces for the development of new productive forces. As of the end of May 2024, China has completed and put into operation new energy storage projects with an installed capacity of over 38 million kilowatts, with an average energy storage time of up to 2.2 hours. There are 12 provinces and regions with installed capacity exceeding one million kilowatts. New energy storage technologies are also constantly emerging, with a variety of technological routes blooming. At present, lithium-ion battery energy storage still dominates and is widely used in new energy power stations, substations, and industrial plants. In addition, technologies such as compressed air energy storage, liquid flow battery energy storage, and flywheel energy storage are also rapidly developing. Multiple 300000 kilowatt level compressed air energy storage projects, 100000 kilowatt level liquid flow battery energy storage projects, and single megawatt level flywheel energy storage projects are accelerating their construction. New technologies such as gravity energy storage, liquid air energy storage, and carbon dioxide energy storage are also being implemented, showing a diversified development trend overall. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

11:30 2024.06.19

Shandong accelerates the cultivation of new agricultural management entities

In recent years, Qingyun County has continued to promote the large-scale development of family farms. While coordinating all factor resources and enhancing the enthusiasm and initiative of farmers to apply for family farms, it has also built an intelligent platform. Currently, the online registration rate of family farms for industrial and commercial registration has reached 100%. The county also organizes the selection of talents from different technical fields to form a team of family farm counselors, providing one-on-one services to key family farms, helping them solve production, sales, standard specifications and other problems. With the arrival of the wheat harvest season, Linyi Pingyi County Lvshun Family Farm Co., Ltd. organized various types of machinery such as wheat joint harvesting and straw bundling to be put into the wheat harvest work. The farm has greatly improved the efficiency and quality of wheat harvesting by introducing advanced agricultural machinery and equipment and utilizing modern harvesting techniques. Compared with other scattered plots of land owned by individual investors, the operation mode of family farm land transfer+full custody service has obvious advantages. It also participates in local agricultural socialized service projects and provides unified services to the production process according to unified operating standards, solving the problems that the farm cannot complete in weak links. It improves the specialization, standardization, and intensification of farming, whole, planting, management, and harvesting, and promotes the green, ecological, and efficient development of agriculture. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

10:43 2024.06.19

The start-up rate of the trillion-yuan treasury bond project exceeds 80%

On June 18, 2024, the National Development and Reform Commission announced at a press conference that the 1 trillion yuan additional treasury bond project in 2023 is accelerating. As of the end of May 2024, the project start-up rate has exceeded 80%. In order to consolidate the momentum of economic recovery and promote its continued improvement, the National Development and Reform Commission will deepen the inter-ministerial joint meeting mechanism, strengthen policy coordination, and work with relevant departments to increase policy support to ensure that all types of funds are in place quickly. In addition, it will also strengthen resource element guarantees, respond to and solve problems in a timely manner, and actively guide and encourage enterprises and all sectors of society to participate in order to achieve greater results in large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in work. Editor/Cheng Liting

14:20 2024.06.18

Accelerate the construction of energy bases in western China

On June 17, 2024, it was learned from the National Energy Administration that in recent years, China has increased its energy development and utilization in the western region, accelerating the construction of a number of important national energy bases. Among the seven major new energy bases on the mainland, including Xinjiang, the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the Hexi Corridor, the bend of the Yellow River, northern Hebei, Songliao, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River, four are located in the western region. As of the end of 2023, the total installed capacity of new energy in 12 provinces in the western region exceeded 400 million kilowatts, accounting for about 40% of the national installed capacity of new energy. In terms of hydropower, the western region is rich in hydropower resources, with more than 80% of the country's technically exploitable resources, mainly distributed in the Jinsha River, upper reaches of the Yangtze River, upper reaches of the Yellow River, Yalong River, Dadu River, Wujiang River, Hongshui River and other river basins. As of the end of 2023, 12 provinces in the western region have built around 270 million kilowatts of hydropower. At present, relying on the hydropower regulation capacity of major river basins in the western region, it has driven the large-scale development of wind power photovoltaic new energy bases in the river basin and its surrounding areas, realized the planning and construction of water and scenery integration, and planned the layout of water and scenery integration bases on the upper reaches of the Yalong River, Jinsha River, and Lancang River, which are mainly distributed in Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces. At present, the plan for the integrated water and wind power base in the Yalong River basin has been issued, and the plan for the integrated water and wind power base in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River and Lancang River basins is being studied and formulated. In terms of coal, since the 14th Five Year Plan, the National Energy Administration has optimized the layout of coal production capacity, promoted the construction of five major coal supply guarantee bases in western Mongolia, eastern Mongolia, northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Xinjiang, covering basically three provinces of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang, as well as Yulin City and Yan'an City in Shaanxi. In 2023, the coal production of the five major coal supply guarantee bases in China reached 3.83 billion tons, accounting for about 80% of the country's coal production. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

08:50 2024.06.18

Qinghai Province plans to consume 76 billion Kwh of clean energy by 2024

On June 16, 2024, according to the State Grid Qinghai Provincial Electric Power Company, Qinghai Province is expected to usher in nearly 15 million kilowatts of new energy installed growth in 2024, and plans to achieve the consumption of renewable energy reached 76 billion KWH. As of May 2024, the total installed capacity of the power grid in Qinghai Province has reached 56,641,800 kilowatts. State Grid Qinghai Electric Power has made remarkable progress in the field of new energy, not only large-scale development and a high proportion of grid-connected new energy, but also accelerated the planning and construction of transmission channels, especially the layout of UHV green power channel. By optimizing the inter-provincial power surplus and shortage mechanism and the green electricity cycle mutual benefit mode, the company not only improves the safe power supply capacity of the regional power grid, but also greatly promotes the consumption of new energy, and realizes the utilization rate of the new energy transmission channel as high as 99.5% during the new energy generation period, and the annual increase of new energy electricity exceeds 1.1 billion KWH. State Grid Qinghai Electric Power continues to increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, overcome core key technologies, and realize the complementary and coordinated dispatch and control of a variety of power sources, and have consumed 30.9 billion KWH of new energy electricity in Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces in the past three years.Editor/Zhang Liyuan

11:56 2024.06.17

From sand in people retreating to green in sand retreating

As of now, the Three North Engineering Zone has completed a total of 480 million mu of afforestation, 1.28 billion mu of degraded grasslands have been treated, and the forest coverage has increased from 5.05% in 1978 to 13.84%. The area of degraded grasslands has decreased from 85% in 2004 to about 70%. The key control areas have achieved a historic transformation from sand entering human retreat to green entering sand retreat. On the occasion of World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, Tang Fanglin, Deputy Director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, stated. China is one of the countries with the largest desertification land area, the most affected population, and the most severe sandstorm hazards in the world. The desertification land area is 2.57 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 26.8% of the national land area; The area of desertified land is 1.69 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 17.6% of the national land area. "After nearly half a century of unremitting efforts, China has continuously achieved dual reduction in desertification and desertification land area," Tang Fanglin pointed out. In the battle against the Three North Project, we should also use technological means to build an integrated monitoring system for space, air, and land, and comprehensively promote the implementation of annual tasks such as afforestation, irrigation, grass planting, and desertification control; Strengthen the breeding of drought resistant and sand resistant forest and grass varieties, develop intelligent mechanical equipment such as grass grid tying and shrub leveling, and promote effective management technologies and models; Promote water-saving and drought resistance technologies such as sprinkler irrigation and infiltration irrigation according to local conditions. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

11:50 2024.06.17

China goes to Levi to complete multiple emergency construction tasks

Recently, the 22nd batch of Chinese construction engineering teams sent to Lebanon have completed the urgent construction of 10 gabion protective walls for the Italian helicopter team of the Force with high standards, receiving high praise from the Force Command and peacekeeping allies. It is reported that due to frequent airstrikes and shelling incidents in the temporary border area between Lebanon and Israel, the Italian helicopter unit of the Lebanese Armed Forces, located less than 2 kilometers from the Blue Line, was shot with light weapons and surrounding targets were bombarded with multiple shells, causing varying degrees of damage to the camp facilities and posing significant safety hazards. It is urgent to build new protective structures. It is understood that since its deployment in December last year, the detachment has completed 5 annual construction tasks and 33 temporary tasks, including upgrading and renovating the defense facilities in the camp, and protecting the border camp of the Force. It has successfully passed the United Nations military capability assessment and 2 equipment verifications during the mission period. The excellent Chinese quality, efficient Chinese speed, and first-class Chinese standards have won high praise from the Lebanese Command and peacekeeping allies. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

11:58 2024.06.14

The national summer grain purchase volume has exceeded 10 million tons

The State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves announced on June 13th that summer grain purchases have started well, with a purchase volume exceeding 10 million tons. According to scheduling data, currently Henan has over 3 million tons, Anhui and Jiangsu have purchased over 2 million tons, and acquisitions are accelerating in Hubei, Shandong, Hebei and other regions. The main production companies of China National Grain Reserves Corporation actively vacate and consolidate their warehouses, strive to prepare sufficient wheat procurement capacity, set up convenient service stations, and provide tea, snacks, temporary rest areas, etc. for grain farmers, so that they can run less errands, queue less, and sell their grains quickly, ensuring a bumper summer harvest and returning the grains to the warehouse. Editor/Zhou Yingwen

14:56 2024.06.13

Hohhot China-Europe Express Domestic Car Special Train Departs

On June 12, 2024, a China-Europe Express train loaded with 29 containers and 290 domestic commercial cars departed from the Shaliang Logistics Park of China Railway Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd. in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. This train is the first China-Europe Express commercial car transport train in Hohhot. The cars carried are all produced locally in Inner Mongolia and will be transported to Moscow, Russia via the Alashankou Port in Xinjiang. Editor/Zhao E

14:49 2024.06.13

Jointly Building a Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Customs Clearance Platform

On June 13th, Hong Kong Customs Director He Peishan, Director of the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs Li Kuiwen, and Macao Customs Director Huang Wenzhong signed the "Cooperation Arrangement for the Construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Customs Clearance Information Platform" in Hong Kong, officially launching the construction of the information platform. It is reported that the "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Customs Clearance Information Platform" (Information Platform) is one of the important projects under the cooperation arrangement between the General Administration of Customs and the Hong Kong Sea on "Smart Customs Construction". The information platform will release customs laws, regulations, announcements, customs clearance guidelines, law enforcement cases and other information to the public through the Internet and mobile phone applications, and provide one-stop query services for passengers and the transport industry, such as real-time customs clearance information, to improve the customs clearance efficiency of people and goods flow in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. The three customs will continue to optimize the functions and expand services of the information platform, and promote interconnectivity within the Greater Bay Area. On the morning of the 12th, a delegation from the Guangdong branch of the General Administration of Customs visited the West Kowloon Station of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High Speed Railway to conduct an on-site inspection of the operation of Hong Kong Customs in passenger clearance work. On the 13th, they inspected the Hong Kong Customs Institute, the Stonecutters Island Customs Fleet Base, and the Shenzhen Bay Port to understand the training of personnel, customs clearance of goods and passengers, and maritime law enforcement work. Editor/Zhou Yingwen


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